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Tổng hợp bài viết về thành phần tính chất và ứng dụng vật liệu Inconel

Inconel 600 – Composition, Properties and Applications of Inconel 600 Nickel-Chromium Alloy by Alloy Wire International


Alloy Wire International Ltd. is a U.K. wire manufacturer specialising in the production of high performance alloys, mainly Nickel Alloys, but including Cobalt and Titanium Alloys.

These alloys might be used in any environment that requires resistance to heat and corrosion but where the mechanical properties of the metal must be retained.

Inconel 600 – Nickel-Chromium Alloy

Inconel 600 is a Nickel-Chromium alloy with good resistance to oxidation and corrosion at high temperatures.

Chemical Composition of Inconel 600

The compositional range for Inconel 600 is provided in the table below.



Nickel (Ni)

72 % min

Chromium (Cr)

14 - 16 %

Iron (Fe)

6 – 10 %

Typical Properties of Inconel 600

Typical properties of Inconel 600 are covered in the following table.





8.47 g/cm3

0.306 lb/in3

Melting point

1413 °C


Co-Efficient of Expansion

13.3 µm/m.°C

7.4x10-6 in/in.°F
(70-212 °F)

Modulus of rigidity

75.6 kN/mm2

10965 ksi

Modulus of elasticity

206 kN/mm2

29878 ksi

Properties of Supplied Materials and Heat Treated Materials

Condition of Supply

Heat Treatment (After Forming)

Annealed/Spring Temper

Stress relive at 460°C (860°F) for 1hr and air cool.


Approx Tensile Strength

Approx Service Temp.


600-750 N/mm2

87-109 ksi

-200 to +330°C

-330 to +625°F

Spring Temper

900-1250 N/mm2

131-181 ksi

-200 to +330°C

-330 to +625°F

Relevant Standards

Inconel 600 is covered by the following standards:

· BS 3075 and BS 3076 NA 14

· AMS 5687

· ASTM B166

Equivalent Materials

Inconel 600 is the tradename of Special Metals Group of Companies and equivalent to:

· W.NR 2.4816

· UNS N06600

· AWS 010

Applications of Inconel 600

Inconel 600 typically finds application in:

· Furnace components

· Chemical processing

· Food processing and

· Nuclear engineering.


Metal Tidbits, Inconel


Inconel alloys are generally known for their resistance to oxidation and their ability to maintain their structural integrity in high temperature atmospheres. There are several Inconel alloys that are used in applications that require a material that does not easily succumb to caustic corrosion, corrosion caused by high purity water, and stress-corrosion cracking. While each variation of Inconel has unique traits that make it effective in different circumstances, the majority of the alloys are used frequently in the chemical industry.

Inconel 601 is a nickel-chromium alloy that has additions of aluminum. These additions increase its resistance to oxidation and various forms of corrosion. This has made Inconel 601 a common material in heat treating equipment, furnaces, and gas-turbine components. Inconel 690 has a similar makeup to 601, but it is considered a high chromium-nickel alloy. The high chromium content in 690 makes it especially resistant to corrosion that occurs from salts, oxidizing acids, and other elements commonly found in aqueous environments.

Inconel 625 differs from many of the other Inconel alloys because its composition includes substantial amounts of nickel, chromium, and molybdenum. It also has an addition of niobium. The result is an alloy that possesses high levels of strength without ever having to go through a strengthening heat treatment. Inconel 625 is especially effective at resisting crevice corrosion, making it a chosen material in the aerospace and marine engineering industries.

All Metals & Forge is one of the few major metals companies that maintains a stock of Inconel and other hard-to-find alloys. They are ISO9001:2000 and AS9100 certified, and they work with companies in almost every industry. They can supply any sized organization with a variety of Inconel products. You can contact them at 973-276-5000 or

Inconel 600

Inconel 600 is a nickel-chromium alloy that offers high levels of resistance to a number of corrosive elements. In high-temperature situations, Inconel 600 will not succumb to chloride-ion stress-corrosion cracking or general oxidation. The alloy is also resistant to caustic corrosion and corrosion caused by high purity water.

Its ability to withstand corrosion in a variety of forms has made Inconel 600 the perfect alloy for use in furnace components and chemical processing equipment. However, Inconel 600 is also used effectively in the food industry and in nuclear engineering, because it will maintain its structure in applications that would cause permanent, irreversible distortion to other alloys.

It is possible to order Inconel 600 from several leading distributors on the market. However, as is the case with many rare and specialty alloys, you generally won't have a lot of ordering options. You will find that most companies simply do not carry Inconel 600 in a variety of forms. If you are interested in custom projects and designs involving Inconel 600, you will find it even harder to locate a distributor who can help you.

All Metals & Forge is one of the rare companies that offers an extensive catalog of hard-to-find metal alloys and the ability to customize orders. They are ISO9001:2000 and AS9100 registered and certified, and they work with everyone from general metal shops to pioneers in the aerospace industry. They are also one of the premier sources for general metallurgical and industry information in the world. In order to learn more about their services, you can contact them at (973) 276-5000 or

Inconel 601

Like Inconel 600, Inconel 601 offers resistance to various forms of high-temperature corrosion and oxidization. However, unlike 600, this nickel-chromium alloy has an addition of aluminum. This addition allows it to demonstrate high mechanical properties even in extremely hot environments.

Inconel 601's ability to stave off the strain that would result in many alloys when exposed to high temperatures has led to its use in furnaces and heat treating equipment like retorts and baskets. You will also find Inconel 601 in gas-turbine components and petrochemical processing equipment.

All Metals & Forge is one of the few ISO9001:2000- and AS9100-certified distributors on the market that can supply companies of all sizes--and in a wide range of industries--with the exact form of Inconel 601 needed, because they offer two distinct services. The first is their steel service center where you can browse through pre-made alloys in shapes including rods, poles, sheets and more. You can also look for metals based on government or industry standards. All Metals & Forge's service center offers affordable rates and fast turnaround on orders.

The forging company of All Metals & Forge has the ability to convert raw materials into custom shapes. This allows you to create shapes and designs to suit your specific needs. You can learn more about both aspects of All Steel & Forge by contacting them at (973) 276-5000 or Along with their catalog and forging services, they can also provide you with information on a wide range of metallurgical subjects, and they can help you stay up-to-date with the latest industry news.

Inconel 625

Inconel 625 is the rare alloy that gains strength without having to undergo an extensive strengthening heat treatment. Inconel 625 is a nickel-chromium-molybdenum alloy with an addition of niobium. The niobium reacts with the molybdenum, causing the alloy's matrix to stiffen and increasing its strength level.

Like most Inconel alloys, Inconel 625 has high resistance to a number of corrosive elements. In fact, it can withstand harsh environments that would all but destroy other alloys. It is particularly effective when it comes to staving off crevice corrosion and pitting. Inconel 625 is a versatile alloy that requires less work than most. It is effectively used in the aerospace industry, marine engineering, the chemical and energy industries, and much more.

When you go to order Inconel 625, you might have trouble finding exactly what you are looking for. The first problem you are likely to encounter is that many companies simply do not carry Inconel 625 or any other Inconel alloy. If you do locate a distributor, you may find that you have very limited options regarding shape and quantity.

A company like All Metals & Forge will be able to meet your needs for Inconel 625 regardless of how large or small those needs are. They are an ISO9001:2000- and AS9100-certified company that is a leading source for metallurgical data and studies. They have also worked with companies in every industry, and their high visibility on the market enables them to continue to work closely with corporate and government leaders. You can contact them at (973) 276-5000 or

Inconel 690

The Inconel alloys consist mainly of a group of metal alloys that offer high resistance to corrosive materials and environments. Inconel 690 falls into this category. However, unlike some of the other alloys in the group, it is a high-chromium and nickel alloy. The high-chromium element of the alloy gives it a particularly strong resistance to corrosion that occurs in aqueous atmospheres. Generally, this corrosion occurs as oxidizing acids and salts break a material down. Along with its ability to resist these stresses, Inconel 690 can also withstand the sulfidation that takes place at extremely high temperatures.

Along with its resistance to corrosives, Inconel 690 possesses strong metallurgical stability which allows it to maintain structural integrity in a wide range of applications. It also has a high level of strength and possesses fabrication traits that enable it to be used in a number of different settings. All of these aspects of Inconel 690 have made it a versatile alloy that has found use in a range of industries.

When you are in the market for Inconel 690, you will find your best chances of getting exactly what you need lie with companies that offer a variety of shapes and designs of the alloy. Unfortunately, this is not common among many of the leading distributors in the industry.

All Metals & Forge is ISO9001:2000- and AS9100-certified. They work with companies in industries including aerospace, oil and energy, chemical processing, and much more. Their ability to customize orders along with their extensive catalog of pre-made, hard-to-find alloys gives them the ability to work with companies of all sizes. They are also one of the best sources for information on Inconel alloys and general metallurgical data. Contact them at (973) 276-5000 or to learn more about their services.

Inconel 718

Inconel 718 possesses the resistance to corrosive elements that are common among Inconel alloys. However, Inconel 718 differs from other alloys in its "family" in structure and response. 718 is a precipitation-hardenable nickel-chromium alloy. It contains substantial levels of iron, molybdenum, and niobium as well as trace amounts of titanium and aluminum.

Its makeup allows for an ease of welding that is not matched by the majority of Inconel alloys. It also allows Inconel 718 to combine anti-corrosive elements with a high level of strength and flexibility. Inconel 718 is particularly resistant to post-weld cracking, and it can maintain its structure in both high-temperature and aqueous environments. In fact, it will maintain superb creep-rupture strength at temperatures as high as 1,300?F.

The unique qualities of Inconel 718 have caused it to be used in industries and applications where other Inconel alloys simply would not be effective. You will find it in nuclear reactors, spacecraft, and rocket motors. However, it does have more common applications, as well. It can be very effective in tooling and gas turbines. There is also a version of the alloy (718 SPF) that is used specifically for super-plastic forming.

Inconel 718 is difficult to find in any form, let alone in a customized design. All Metals & Forge, an ISO9001:2000- and AS9100-certified company, is one of the only places that offer the alloy in a variety of shapes. They can also help you find designs that fit pre-determined government regulations. Contact them at (973) 276-5000 or to learn more about their pre-made and custom-made alloys.

Inconel 722

Inconel 722 is a nickel-chromium alloy that shares many of the same properties as other Inconel alloys. It demonstrates a high level of resistance to various forms of corrosion. It also has the capacity to remain effective at extremely high temperatures. Inconel 722 can withstand the stress caused by several types of acids, which has made it a common metal in the chemical industry.

Finding Inconel 722 in any form can be difficult. Even many of the companies that do carry Inconel alloys focus more on Inconel 600. Companies that carry the full range of the alloys will often have a limited stock or reduced options when it comes to shaping.

All Metals & Forge is one of the leading providers of hard-to-find metals and alloys in the world. They work with giants in industries ranging from aerospace to oil and energy. You will find a variety of Inconel alloys in their catalog, and each will be offered in a number of pre-made designs such as contour rings, hollow bars, discs, and much more. Their commitment to excellent has been rewarded with both an ISO9001:2000 and AS9100 certification, and they have consistently helped companies of all sizes get the raw materials and the custom designs they need.

If you are simply interested in finding out more about Inconel 722 and the Inconel alloys, you can use the database that has been created by All Metals & Forge. It is a comprehensive source for the material properties and applications of specific alloys, as well as metallurgical information in general. If you have questions, you can contact them at 973-276-5000 or

Inconel 903

Inconel 903 is part of a family of alloys that are known for their resistance to corrosion caused by a wide range of stresses in a variety of settings. Many Inconel alloys can remain effective in high temperature and aqueous atmospheres. Most are resistant to multiple acids, as well, so they are used regularly in the petrochemical industry.

In order to fully explore the material properties of Inconel alloys or other hard-to-find metals, you can turn to the online database established by All Metals & Forge. This database not only gives you access to a metal or alloy's composition, but it provides in-depth information on a certain material's ability to withstand stresses in a range of environments. You will be able to determine at what temperatures Inconel 903 remains viable, and you can view its level of elasticity, malleability, and more.

Along with the material data, you can also look into Inconel 903's applications. Within each application you can find the metal's yield point, as well. For instance, Inconel 903 is used in high-temperature situations, but you still need to know the range of temperature at which it can remain effective. If you are not looking for specific numbers, you can use the database to help you answer general metallurgical questions.

All Metals & Forge is a major source for information on Inconel alloys and a major distributor of the alloys themselves. Their AS9100 and ISO9001:2000 certifications, along with their extensive customer base, are a credit to their products and services. You can contact them at 973-276-5000 or if you have any questions.

Inconel Alloys

There are only a handful of metals companies that carry a line of Inconel alloys. Furthermore, the majority of distributors that do maintain a stock of Inconel alloys do not offer many options when it comes to shape and design. All Metals & Forge has worked with companies in almost every industry and has been able to provide Inconel alloys that suit those companies' specific needs.

You can find Inconel 600, 601, 625, 690, 718, 722, and 903 in stock. These Inconel alloys are widely known for their resistance to corrosion in both high-temperature and aqueous atmospheres. Each alloy has its own specific benefits, and each is used in a number of different industries. For instance, Inconel 600 and 601 have both been effective tools in the chemical and food processing industries, while Inconel 718 is more often used in the aerospace industry in spacecraft and rocket motors. Regardless of your needs, you will be able to find the Inconel alloys you are looking for at All Metals & Forge.

There are two aspects of All Metals & Forge that make it easier for their customers to locate products that they can afford and that they can use effectively. In All Metals & Forge's catalog, you will find Inconel alloys available in a wide range of shapes. However, All Metals and Forge also offers forging services that allow them to create custom designs from raw materials.

They are ISO9001:2000 and ASI9100 certified, and they have worked with corporate and government leaders in almost every industry. They can also provide you with comprehensive information on Inconel alloys and any other metallurgical subject. If you have questions regarding their products or services, you can contact them at (973) 276-5000 or

Tham khảo thêm:


Download pdf inconel 600
  1. ^ High-Performance Alloys, Special Metals Corporation
  2. ^ Special Alloys, Source 1 Alloys
  3. ^ INCONEL alloy 600, Special Metals Corporation
  4. ^ INCONEL alloy 625, Special Metals Corporation
  5. ^ INCONEL alloy 718, Special Metals Corporation
  6. ^ Power Generation, Special Metals Corporation.
  7. ^ Chemical Processing, Special Metals Corporation.
  8. ^ About Good Fabrications ("Performance inconel exhaust manufacturers for racecars").
  9. ^ Inconell - state-of-the-art corrosion protection by Babcock & Wilcox Vølund, 2003
  10. ^ Robert S. Houston, Richard P. Hallion, and Ronald G. Boston, EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION, "Transiting from Air to Space: The North American X-15", The Hypersonic Revolution: Case Studies in the History of Hypersonic Technology, Air Force History and Museums Program, 1998.
  11. ^ INCONEL alloy 751, Special Metals Corporation


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Viết bài: Thanh Sơn, bản quyền thuộc về Điều cần thiết là chọn vật liệu và xử lý nhiệt thích hợp phù hợp với ứng dụng dự kiến ​​của bánh răng. Vì các bánh răng được ứng dụng cho nhiều mục đích sử dụng khác nhau, chẳng hạn như máy móc công nghiệp, thiết bị điện/điện tử, đồ gia dụng và đồ chơi, và bao gồm nhiều loại vật liệu, nên chúng tôi muốn giới thiệu các vật liệu điển hình và phương pháp xử lý nhiệt của chúng. Hộp số 1. Các loại vật liệu chế tạo bánh răng a) S45C (Thép cacbon dùng cho kết cấu máy): S45C là một trong những loại thép được sử dụng phổ biến nhất, chứa lượng carbon vừa phải ( 0,45% ). S45C dễ kiếm được và được sử dụng trong sản xuất bánh răng trụ thẳng, bánh răng xoắn, thanh răng, bánh răng côn và bánh răng trục vít bánh vít . Xử lý nhiệt và độ cứng đạt được: nhiệt luyện độ cứng Không < 194HB Nhiệt luyện bằng cách nung nóng, làm nguội nhanh (dầu hoặc nước) và ram thép, còn gọi là quá...

Phương pháp kiểm tra hạt từ (Magnetic Particle Testing)

Viết bài: Thanh Sơn, bản quyền thuộc về Kiểm tra hạt từ (Magnetic Particle Testing MPT/MT hay Magnetic Particle Inspection - MPI) là một phương pháp kiểm tra không phá hủy nhằm phát hiện các khuyết tật trên bề mặt hoặc ngay bên dưới bề mặt kim loại. Đây là kỹ thuật nhanh và đáng tin cậy để phát hiện và định vị các vết nứt bề mặt. Nguyên lý MPT: Từ thông rò trên bề mặt không liên tục Nguyên lý Kiểm tra hạt từ (MT) dựa trên tính chất từ tính của vật liệu sắt từ. Khi một thành phần sắt từ bị từ hóa (được thực hiện bằng cách cho dòng điện chạy qua nó hoặc bằng cách đặt nó trong một từ trường mạnh), bất kỳ sự không liên tục hoặc khuyết tật nào có trong vật liệu sẽ gây ra rò rỉ từ thông (như vết nứt  sẽ tạo ra lực cản đáng kể đối với từ trường, tại những điểm không liên tục như vậy, từ trường thoát ra trên bề mặt của mẫu thử (từ thông rò rỉ). Xem thêm:  Kiểm tra thẩm thấu PT (Penetrant Testing) Kiểm tra siêu âm bên trong lòng ống ILI là gì? Rò rỉ từ thông...

Cách kiểm tra và đánh giá vết ăn khớp (tooth contact) của cặp bánh răng

Viết bài: Thanh Sơn, bản quyền thuộc về Hộp số với cặp bánh răng nghiêng Tooth contact là một trong những yếu tố quan trọng trong việc đảm bảo hoạt động hiệu quả và độ bền của bánh răng Mục đích Các bánh răng phải có tải trọng phân bố đều trên bề mặt răng khi làm việc ở điều kiện danh định.  Nếu tải trọng phân bố không đều, áp lực tiếp xúc và ứng suất uốn tăng cục bộ , làm tăng nguy cơ hư hỏng.  Gear Run Out của bánh răng là gì? cách kiểm tra Bánh răng và hộp số, phần 3: Phân tích dầu tìm nguyên nhân hư hỏng bánh răng. Bánh răng và Hộp số, phần 2: Các loại hộp số, bôi trơn, hư hỏng thường gặp Bánh răng và hộp số, phần 1: Các loại bánh răng (types of gears) Để đạt được sự phân bố tải đều, bánh răng cần có độ chính xác trong thiết kế, sản xuất, lắp ráp và lắp đặt các bộ phận của hộp số. Các yếu tố này được kiểm tra, test thử nghiệm và kiểm tra tại xưởng của nhà sản xuất thiết bị. Lắp đặt đúng cách tại hiện trường là bước cuối cùng để ...

Nguyên lý hoạt động tuabin hơi (steam turbine)

Giới thiệu Tua bin hơi (steam turbine)  là loại máy biến đổi nhiệt năng sinh ra từ hơi có áp suất thành động năng sau đó chuyển hóa thành cơ năng làm trục quay. Trục này được kết nối với một máy phát điện ( Generator ) để sản xuất điện. Một phần rất lớn các yêu cầu về điện năng của thế giới được đáp ứng bởi các tuabin hơi nước này, có mặt trong các nhà máy điện hạt nhân, nhiệt điện và điện than. Riêng ở Mỹ, khoảng 88% điện năng được sản xuất bằng cách sử dụng các tuabin hơi nước. Tua bin hơi nước hiện đại đầu tiên được phát triển bởi Sir Charles A. Parsons vào năm 1884. Kể từ đó, rất nhiều cải tiến đáng kể đã được thực hiện về năng lực và hiệu quả sản xuất. Tua bin hơi nước được sử dụng rộng rãi trong các nhà máy điện chu trình hỗn hợp . Trong các nhà máy này, tuabin khí tạo ra nhiệt và năng lượng từ khói thải có thể được tận dụng để sản xuất hơi nước để chạy tuabin hơi. Sự kết hợp của hai tuabin này với nhau giúp sản xuất điện có hiệu quả trong các nhà máy này. Về cơ bản, hiện na...

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